Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Good Luck To Everybody

Hello Professor and everyone, It is just about over. Good luck to all of you now and your upcomming classes. This is one of the most intense nine week I have ever had. Professor, you are great! The next time around, I am going to stay up with my class. I would put my goals first, before anyone else. I am going to realize, my education is my number one priority. I find myself, helping other who already ahead of the gang. I want to accomplished many things out of life; getting a good education and setting my goals and putting my priority first.The most challenging part of my research paper, was the revising the final draft.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Days Are Longer

The days are longer, but the time is short. I am so disappointed in myself. I need to focus more on my school work. These words sound very familiar. Each quarter I repeat those same words. Now it is time to take action. The old saying; practice what you preach. Both professor has been great. One of the things I need to change are my communication skill. I do not ask the question, but waiting for other to ask the question for me. I definitely need to make change. No one know the problem, but me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It Almost Over

The term is almost over. It is hot and humid today. The sun is not out. The rain is falling and the storm has come before dark. I am running may friend business this week. I have allot riding on my plate. I total the only transportation I owe. I am glad it was not the mama bear. Everyone are doing okay. I have insurance, but it would not cover the lost of my car. I am unemployed with know funds coming into the household. But through it all, I thank God for keeping me sane.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I still have a long way to go

This have been a long six weeks. It was like pulling hair, pulling teeth and nails biting. In the beginning of the semester, It was stressful. Writing was not my thing. I have been with Kaplan University a year now. I was very much frustrated with myself and my assignment, but I made it through. I almost became a quicker, so much pressure and demanding assignment. But I decided to stick with it. I am glad to continue my education because in the long run, it would be rewarding. My first extinct was to study criminologist, but have not rule it out. I am very proud to be enrolled at Kaplan University.

Still A little way to go

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Stop worrying about the worldly perspective and be conscience of the Godly perspective. The world tends to punish persons according to how bad the crime is they have committed, but in God's eyes a sin is a sin no matter how big or small. Just food for thought!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Times

Finally, I have my own computer, in the privacy of my bedroom. My family has been great through it all, but now, I can really get some work done. No more disturbance, wondering in the hallway, it is all mines. Today was a great day. I feel more relax and good about myself. My best friend move into her new home. She has a beautiful home. You never know how much stuff you would accumulate over the year until move.